IDM S-Drive - Environmental BioProfiler

IDM S-Drive

The IDM S-Drive is a CE/FCC compliant scanner under the EMC classification EN 61326-1 covering laboratory instrumentation and manufactured under ISO 13485 standards. It uses proprietary german technology to access low frequency environmental biomarkers from a specific hair sample. This information is then encrypted and sent electronically to a dedicated Environmental Assessment Centre located in Hamburg, Germany. The data is assessed against hundreds of environmental / lifestyle indicators across nutrition, diet, toxins, EMF/ELF and microbiology indicators and used to produce a comprehensive Environmental Profile Report om various relevant environmental / lifestyle factors that can trigger epigenetic changes and affect your health. Once identified, proactive changes to correct such environmental factors can prevent prevent and/or reverse potential damage to your health. As the saying goes " An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure ".



There are many definitions of epigenetics, but simply put it is a change in your genetic activity without changing your genetic code. It is a process that happens throughout your life and is normal to development but can also be influenced by several factors including age, the environment/lifestyle and disease state. Chemical tags get attached to your genetic code, like bookmark in the page of a book, signaling to your body which genes to ignore and which to use. Epigenetic nodifications can manifest as the way cells differentiate to become skin cell, liver cells ect... Or epigenetic change can have more damaging effects that can result in diseases like heart disease, cancers ect...

The information is then provided in a graphic display in 9 separate pie charts:

  • Amino acid chart

  • Antioxidant chart

  • Essential Fatty Acid chart

  • Electro Magnetic \ Extremely low frequency chart

  • Foods and Food Additives chart

  • Microbiology chart

  • Toxins chart

  • Vitamins chart



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